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8 Random Things About Ize Thursday February 28, 2008

Posted by myswittooth in Mommy Journal.
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I don’t know how to squeeze in all the essential infos about Ize. I’ll be adding some tidbits at the bottom page just in case. 🙂

1) He loves to watch concerts/shows.

Barney (December 2007)

Disney On Ice (January 2008)

Dora (December 2007)

2) He spends his day reading books, playing with puzzles, drawing, writing, doing art or posing for the camera.

3) He collects books, cars, transformers and dinosaurs.

4) He’s Obsessive-Compulsive.

*he does this also to his cars by lining them up in one straight line. if you move just one of his cars, he’ll get mad. lol! hmm..what else, oh yeah, he wants everything in order. you’ll see his toys arranged by use, texture and color. his clothes neatly folded and stacked according to type. like all polo shirts should be on one side while tshirts and shorts on the other. (nagmana saken, hahaha!)

5) He only eats Adobo, Porksteak and Nilaga with Cabbage.

6) He’s a movie and sports buff.

* his first movie was transformers (june 2007), then Alvin and the Chipmunks(jan 2008). he’s telling me he wants to watch Dr. Seuss’ Horton the Elephant or the Water Horse.

7) He loves going to museums and parks.

8) He loves to sing, dance and act. Sometimes, he even imitates cheer dancers doing the stunts.

Videos @ http://youtube.com/bebiswit

* The first apo on both sides. Spoiled by my parents and sibs.
* Dreams of having a baby sister.
* Wants to take swimming lessons.
* Wants to play the guitar or drums.

Sleeping Thursday February 28, 2008

Posted by myswittooth in Mommy Journal.
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I got inspired by Jane’s post about Sophia’s sleeping position. I was looking at Izech’s pictures when I saw 3 funny yet cute ways he usually do when he’s sleeping. Sometimes, you can even hear him snore. LOL!

2nd Confinement (02-16 to 23) Tuesday February 26, 2008

Posted by myswittooth in Mommy Journal.
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The attending physician at Medical City sent us home already as Izech’s temp was normal for 2 consecutive days, although his cough was still non-productive. My mom talked to them(including the resident doctors) for a sort of assurance that little boy is really well despite of the cough and loss of appetite. She even requested the doctor to have a CBC/Platelet count to make sure that his was within the normal value of 150. The test result came back Wednesday afternoon and as they checked the Platelet and Hematocrit levels, they were all normal. They gave us 2 medication: anti-asthma and anti-histamine. The nurse gave the final instruction before heading home.

We went by our usual routine. I took his temp before his morning and afternoon bath. By three o’clock (3pm) on Thursday, his fever shoot up to 38degrees. After giving the meds, I continued the sponge bath and started taking note of his temp. The next morning, we went to St. Lukes and looked for a pedia pulmonologist per my mom’s advised. We met Dra. Atienza and she was really nice and optimistic. She requested for a CBC and added an antibiotic to little boy’s list of meds.

Hubby woke me up around four in the morning (Saturday)telling me that Izech’s a bit warm than usual. I checked his temp and a whooping 40deg registered on the screen. I panicked. Since I prepared little boy’s bag the night before, we rushed off to St. Lukes for the 2nd time. We waited in the ER as they called Dra. Atienza. They were instructed for another CBC and Urinalysis. His dextrose was up around 6am. My son remained calm and didn’t even flinched when the IV was inserted in his veins. I’m so proud of him.

We got a room by 3:00PM. Good thing, there are plenty of restos nearby so we’re able to eat breakfast and lunch. Downside is, my Ize doesn’t eat egg (he knows that he’s allergic) and chicken. We bought ham at Delifrance and rice at Burger King. Hubby and Yaya went home as soon as we’re settled so they can prepare our clothes, cook porksteak or adobo (his favorite) and feed our dog.

Around 2:30AM, one of the nurse at the CV unit (they didn’t have a vacant room in the pedia floor so we stayed at the CardioVascular wing) told me that his dextrose wasn’t working properly. She tried flushing it but the flow was still slow. Without even consulting the attending resident, she took off the IV. When she took us to the pedia floor for re-insertion (don’t know if it’s the correct term), the doctor got mad cuz according to her, the nurse should have called her or tried atleast 5x to fix the line without taking it off. AND that made things harder for us.

Little boy was tired and his hands were aching from the countless CBC and lab exam, on top of the dextrose. He was really crying hard when they tried looking for a viable vein. I got mad when one of the intern (doctor) tried 3x and then failed. I can’t help but get furious especially when my crying son looked at me while saying, “MAMA, HELP ME!”. My heart broke into a million pieces. I was like a raging bull. I shouted at them, ” If you don’t know how to put an IV better call for another doctor. Better yet, STOP treating my son as an experiment.” They were so shocked at my reaction. Though, I heard them saying sorry, I ignored them completely.

One of the CV Nurse informed us that they already have a vacant room at the pedia wing. We transferred by 7pm. My parents and sibs arrived to visit my son. We didn’t have problems with Dra. Atienza as she was always checking up on Izech.

It was really hard to isolate the disease as according to her, little boy has a “little” of both Scarlet Fever and Dengue symptoms. I also asked her if it was Kawasaki, pneumonia or typhoid fever as his fever shoot up to 40 deg 3x for 3 consecutive days. Izech’s result came back negative to all diseases. She changed the antibiotic from KLAZ to ZINNAT.

After three days, his temp improved and remain stable. We were sent home last Saturday with a final instruction to continue the antibiotic and a possible ASO test on Tuesday just to confirm that its not Scarlet Fever. Though, his ASO result was negative, they need to conduct a follow-up exam to confirm if he developed an antibody to the disease.

It’s been 3 days since his confinement. He’s appetite was okay, though a lot thinner. Active and Playful. We’re done with the ASO test this morning. Results will be in later this evening or tomorrow morning.

Hay! I just hope he won’t get sick again. Napaka-paranoid ko kasi

1st Hospital Confinement (02-11 to 13) Sunday February 24, 2008

Posted by myswittooth in Mommy Journal.
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If you read my previous entries here and here, you’ll know how it all started.

From his fever last Feb 9 (Saturday), I decided to bring Izech to the hospital. Since he has records in Medical City, I thought they can easily isolate the problem. When we arrived in the ER, my son was already complaining of a stomach pain on top of his 39 deg fever. I really panicked and approached one of the doctors to take a look at him. Much to my dismay, HE told us that we need to consult with his pedia first since it’s NOT an emergency case. And he can tell if it’s really painful IF my son is crying. I can’t contain my anger any longer. I answered him with sarcasm, “So, you’re telling me that my son is faking it?” He’s not a LIAR! Then I walked out on him. The nerve of that FAT resident doctor! Imagine, telling a panicking mom that her kid’s lying?! I would’ve slapped or kicked his groin if I wasn’t holding Ize. He ran after us and told me that he’s going to look at him. I declined and just marched right out the ER.

We didn’t get a pedia at Medical City. I was planning to but keep on delaying it. MY FAULT! So, we asked if there are still doctors with 12-1pm schedule. They referred us to Dr. F. I thought she was good since she’s been in the medical field for almost 3 decades. Boy, was I wrong. When we went to her room, she wasn’t there. One of her reliever, Dr. L told us that we need to confine Ize as he was suffering not only from high fever but also from dehydration. His lips were dry and his face was really pale. I didn’t need convincing on this part. I was telling hubby that I much rather have Izech stay in the hospital than bring him home and just give medicines.

He was admitted that afternoon. His room was a large private in the pedia wing. It was even close to his previous room when he was confined last Dec 2006. Anyways, on our first night, he was coughing so bad that he wet the bed and was so cranky that you can’t pacify him. Even the doctors saw me crying cuz of depression. I can’t bare seeing my son suffer that way. They asked for CBC, Urinalysis and Fecalysis so they can identify the problem. Every tests went back normal and negative for infection. When they saw rough patches on his arms and face they told me that it’s his eczema. To treat the cough, they’ll be giving Ampicillin. I told them that he’s allergic to certain antibiotics so they performed a skin test before administering the medicine. It was negative so they were able to put 2 vials of the meds, one in the morning and the other one in the evening.

Though, he still has a fever, his coughing became persistent that he vomited almost 13 times for the last 2 days. I asked the resident doctor to check on him. BTW, the attending physician/pedia wasn’t there the entire day last Monday. So, I need to rely on the resident doctors. Even my parents went there to check on their grandson and my dad called the nurse’s station to give him Ize’s lab results. On Tuesday morning, I noticed an allergic reaction to the antibiotic. They stopped it and gave Virlix instead.

By Wednesday afternoon, they told us that we can go home since he doesn’t have fever for the past 2 days. I asked for another CBC to check for his platelet just to be sure that it wasn’t dengue cuz my brother recently had dengue and it was hiding behind his cough and colds. Good thing, his doctor had prior experience to that disease that he immediately found the problem.

Their diagnosis – Acute Skin Asthma. I find it weird. Really. Hey! they are the doctors and I should trust them. They didn’t give him any antibiotics just an anti-asthma med and virlix. My dad even said that they should’ve continued with a different antibiotic.

When I thought everything will be alright, here comes another problem….

BasketBall Star Saturday February 23, 2008

Posted by myswittooth in Hobbies, Mommy Journal.
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